Deb..I just recently (end of May - end of June) had this along with many issues with my knee. The wrist-thumb pain you describe waa what happened too me along with two cysts that popped up on the palm of my hand. It could be DeQuervain. Its like tendonitis on the tendon that runs into your thumb. It took 6 dr appts with ER and orthopedics until my regular Dr knew just from what I described.
I had 2 sessions of hand therapy and learned KT tape works wonders! In addition, I use Louise Hay -you can heal your body - that lists the emotions connected to the issue. Pain represents guilt. Wrist = movement, ease. Hands, including thumb represents grasping, holding on to tight, not letting go. Anyway, her connections have always help me deal with the mental side until other answers come. Hope this helps.