Hello! How are you? To be completely honest and transparent, writing my about page is a bit of a challenge. But, as with any challenge, it is about getting started. So let's jump right in.

First of all, I want to thank you for stopping by my about me page. I know that if you are here, you are looking for a glimpse of who this writer is on the other side of the screen. I have tried my best to put decades of experiences and moments into a summary of who I am are!

I am the top "Juggler" of part time passions. My character on the internet is Miz Mindful attempting to share tidbits of expressions to empower the mind and muse. But , at the core of it all, I'm just jules. Please call me jules - all my friends do!

I am a jewel of all trades, expert of none. After many attempts to fit in to societal pursuits, I discovered that mindfulness is an anchor to keep me grounded in my pursuits between spirituality and practicality.

My life adventures live in the part-time realms of a mixed bag of labels and roles. Daughter, Mom, Grandma, Friend, Confidant, Artist, Writer, Clerical Healthcare employee, Coach, Canva Champion and Designer, Certified Moonologer, and Solopreneur.

I hold three associate degrees in Entrepreneurship, Social and Behavioral Science, Business and Commerce with the extension of Microcomputer Application Specialist. I hold certifications as a Master Mindset coach, which is in the 4 components of Confidence, Emotional Intelligence, CBT and REBT techniques. In addition, I am certified in coaching the areas of Law of Attraction, Mindfulness, Meditation, Spirituality, Therapeutic Art, and General Life Coaching. I am google certified in Entrepreneurship (yes a degree and a certification) as it adds Google Digital Marketing and Intuit Quickbooks to the list.

As you can see, I am a perpetual learner. It creates awareness and structure in my daily moments. Routines and rituals are the glue that holds my time management together with my spiritual artistic nature. I thrive on problem solving, metaphors, and idea creation. I still write morning pages for guidance on my Artist's Way path.

My business is "Mindful Expressions." My dream is to help bridge the gap between mental health, spirituality, and creativity.

It is my retirement plan. Mindfulness is not something you do, it is a lifestyle of continual self-discovery and awareness with focused attention on our daily present moments without judgment of ourselves or outcomes. To support that belief, I create journals, workbooks, wall art,(visual distractions to create a smile or positive affirmation). I hold workshops to help with mindset growth and support other solopreneurs and non-profits n their ventures. Next up, is digital downloads, virtual creator assistant, and group creator solopreneur coaching.

Where you can find me:

Mindful Expressions Online- my online store

Miz Mindful Designs - my Etsy shop

Instagram, Facebook, Linked In Also, as required, I am an affiliate for Canva and Creative Fabrica, which I use almost daily for creating content, so I am required to share that I receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my link here.

jules - Miz Mindful

jules - Miz Mindful

Book Author

Juggler of words as Miz Mindful -- editor Creations Over Coffee, artist, writer, Mindset Coach, Owner Mindful Expressions, Canvassador, - but call me jules!