Pinnedjules - Miz MindfulinCreations Over CoffeeMoving Beyond Your Excuses and Limiting BeliefsJust changing one word can make a differenceApr 2811Apr 2811
Pinnedjules - Miz MindfulinMiddle-PauseLook Through the Lens of Her Dark Sunglasses and See The StrengthThe grief and pain of losing herselfMar 2120Mar 2120
Pinnedjules - Miz MindfulinMiddle-PauseMurder of the Peaceful MindAnxiety Crime Scene — Do Not CrossApr 610Apr 610
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Pinnedjules - Miz MindfulinModern WomenMustangs, Open Roads, and MusicHeart beats of life and loveFeb 1129Feb 1129
jules - Miz MindfulinMiddle-PauseGreat Things from Small BeginningsLessons from the Oak Tree5d ago45d ago4
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jules - Miz MindfulinWrite Under the MoonThe Spiritual Power of Road TripsLeaving the rear-view visions behindAug 276Aug 276
jules - Miz MindfulinCreations Over CoffeeOnce in a Blue Moon Shining On YouSelf-Coaching Sunday — Mindset SeriesAug 181Aug 181